I’ve been pretty stoic about my kids leaving home. I prepared for it by returning to school while they were in high school and going back to work as they entered college (yes….to pay the tuition bills…but also to fill my time.) Because I did “build my life around” them and now my job is to let them go. But to tell the truth, I really do miss them a whole heart full and to the moon and back and to eternity and beyond.
Mindfulness and Parenting - Using Wise Mind
As a parent, I often feel anything but wise. You might think, because of my work, I would be great at parenting. Ha Ha….I’m great at giving parenting advice, taking it is a whole different ballgame! To give myself some credit my children were almost grown before I officially became a social worker, but I still am pretty good at screwing it up now and then. They will happy to tell you about it.