Transitions are a part of life. Some come with much fanfare and celebration and others with sadness and grief. I find that we are often caught off guard by the impact of the happier transitions and at a loss as to how to process the sadder times. Mindful living can help with transitions. Being aware of the variety of emotions and acknowledging them will help you move through transitions with grace.
Could a home improvement show help your relationship?
Most of us learn our relationship skills from our parents. “Whoa? What? I’m not like my parents!” Well I didn’t say that you would mimic them, but that you learned from them. For most of us, we do mimic some of our parents relationship habits. Others try so hard not to be like their parents that they go too far in another direction. For anyone who had healthy role models it is a good thing. But with a divorce rate of 50% or so many of us did not.