Ponderings From My Week In The Closet

Ponderings From My Week In The Closet

There are lots of critics out there. We must make decisions based on our own value system and needs. I found myself judging others based on their decisions but then was able to take perspective and recognize that their reasoning was not without rationale and was simply different than mine. I also noticed that it took me some time to stop listening to others and listen to my own intuition. Perfection is an unattainable goal.

Hello Anxiety, I Wondered When You Would Get Here

Hello Anxiety, I Wondered When You Would Get Here

Since noticing my racing mind I have been reminded of all the skills that I personally use to manage anxiety in stressful times. I was also reminded that there is no way to get your life “perfect” and avoid stress. As much as I would like to believe that I can manufacture my life to avoid anxiety, I know I cannot. And once again, I am reminded that I can only control me and I can’t control the weather, a virus or other people, just me. What I can do is notice my emotions (avoiding denial), honor them (Hello anxiety, thanks for reminding me to be careful.), and let them pass (they always do.) I can also spend time enjoying the breaks between and recovering and restoring my emotional energy.