Here Goes Nothing!
Hey there! I can’t believe it’s been over 2 years since I wrote anything. It’s been a busy two years! Most of you have followed my journey through Tennessee from Knoxville to Chattanooga, then Nashville and now Memphis. I think I’ll be here a while. Something about being near family but also in a place where I didn’t grow up seems to allow me to be myself while being supported by those I love. It feels right for now. But who knows - I think I said the same about Nashville.
So I did this thing that I was really uncomfortable with. Not uncomfortable enough to know better but once I started and then it was headed out to the public the vulnerability hangover set in. I recorded a podcast with some women from Chattanooga who I admire. It was so exciting to be asked but once it was over my old brain took over and started the old messages of “why did you share that?” “People will think you are a brat for saying that?” “What if someone disagrees or I got something wrong?” Even “Who am I to pretend to know what I'm talking about?"
The nice thing about teaching shame resilience to people is that you have to get pretty good at it yourself. So I sucked it up and applied the four steps of shame resilience and it is helping.
First I noticed the desire to hide and stay small and the negative chatter that comes along with shame in my head. Then I practiced a little critical thinking. Mostly I thought about all the podcasts out there and the fact that even my favorite podcasters get negative feedback at times. Then I shared - and my cheerleaders (Kat, Jennifer, Wynn, Greg and Ashley) showed up and said "how exciting!" Now I'm sharing with you because "speaking shame" sometimes means we do the thing and own it.
It was so fun to chat with other professionals and share all the learning I've gained from my work with clients over the last 10 years. I have met some beautiful souls and been lucky enough to see them grow and bloom and embrace their authenticity. Sharing seems like a great way to honor the hard work they did. Walk the walk they say.
If you want to take a listen here is the link.
Please take a listen to the other episodes as well. Christy and Kat are doing a great job of sharing the wisdom of both yoga and the Enneagram.